Oct 20, 2007

Recently my daughter, sister, and I had a girls day out. We had decided that since we all had rather long hair, and wanted a change, we would wait til it grew long enough to donate. There is a company called Locks of Love. What they do is take your hair donation ( of at least 10 inches) and make it into wigs for children. I beleive they then donate these wigs to under prividged children who have lost thier hair due to sickness. I made sure to take pics so we could share with all of you. Enjoy and think of locks of love next time!


Amanda Miller said...

Hi Lucy !!! That is a great thing you all did , donating hair. I have been growing my hair out to do the same. I am waiting until Feb. when we have a Super Spa Day at my work. I think I am going to advertise to see how many people I can get to do the same that day. Great pics, Love your Alaska pics !!! /hugs

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