Oct 20, 2007

Recently my daughter, sister, and I had a girls day out. We had decided that since we all had rather long hair, and wanted a change, we would wait til it grew long enough to donate. There is a company called Locks of Love. What they do is take your hair donation ( of at least 10 inches) and make it into wigs for children. I beleive they then donate these wigs to under prividged children who have lost thier hair due to sickness. I made sure to take pics so we could share with all of you. Enjoy and think of locks of love next time!

crazy lillie joined us for our girls day

auntie Sara feeling a bit nervous

Sara after


back - say good bye to rapunzel

Cate's cute cut


back view

not what I asked for but.....oh well

all done

Aug 3, 2007

Keith, Rodney, and Adam - 3 brave sould each spent thier vacation so our boys could go to camp - thank you!

Adam....er that is MR Shaw, spent the week at camp as a leader. Was his 9th yr in yawgoog

Daniel with his troop at camp - he made life this week, last stop before eagle!

monkey bridge Daniel built

Daniel spent a week as a counselor in training at camp Yawgoog. He has the US flag for closing ceremony

off to post grad party. Our high school arranges a 'grad only lock down party all night' event. Its a wonderful thing - safe place for the newly grad

Adam Catherine and thier friend Martha ( and Zach )

hugs are contagious :-)

Zach graduated too - congrats buddy!

Adam gets hugs from Auntie Sara

not sure who's holding up who...was a long road....but 2 down one to go muhahahahaa

proud daddy

I did it!

YEAH baby!

hmmmm....can you find waldo?

Adam , me, Daniel , and Catherine

Cate and Sam ready to conquer the world

I still tear up when I see these pics - we are SO proud of them!

child #2 please step forward.....

can't you just hear pomp and circumstance?

most of the troop came, a very good turn out

At the end of the year court of honor, Daniel was asked to hoist the flag. He was thrilled.